Giovanna Lever Giovanna Lever

Shut up and Listen!

Engagement, a cornerstone of communication, is critical in the workplace for fostering positive relationships and ultimately, achieving better business outcomes. Yet, if I had a dollar for every resume claiming “I’m a great communicator,” I’d be well on my way to retirement. The reality is that many people struggle with one fundamental aspect of communication - true engagement. 

Why? Because we don’t know how to listen.

Sparrowly Group’s Giovanna Lever shares her tips to mastering deep and long lasting engagement.

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Giovanna Lever Giovanna Lever

Customer Voices Matter - A Guide to Feedback Mastery

“I’d like to give you some feedback.” Seven words that can make a person feel uncomfortable or challenged. But how do you build your feedback muscle and how to run to it rather than run away from it? A realistic guide to accepting feedback and elevating your business and customer satisfaction by taking positive action.

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Giovanna Lever Giovanna Lever

The Communication Dance

How we communicate as individuals and as a team has a significant impact on how we all perform. And it can be hard. Sparrowly Group’s Giovanna Lever provides insight into maintaining your communications A game.

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Morgan Thorn Morgan Thorn

Feel the senses - taste the berries! 

Sensory Experience is the connection of physical senses including sight, touch, taste, sound and smell to an experience. In this article, Sparrowly Group’s Morgan Thorn explores how your every day activities or surroundings can be developed into a memorable sensory experience.

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Giovanna Lever Giovanna Lever

The 8 ingredients to successful business

My kids were her absolute motivation to take the plunge, start Sparrowly Group and become the maker of her own destiny. And, a lot has happened in 8 years. It’s not just Giovanna any more. Today, Sparrowly Group is a team of 7 individuals, all with unique, yet, complementary skills.

As we now move into our 9th year of business, Managing Director, Giovanna Lever wanted to share her 8 learnings with aspiring or current business owners.

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Ben Lever Ben Lever

Is the future here already?

As human-like and amazing as it is, is ChatGPT just another techno fad that will follow the same fate as the likes of Google Wave or Clubhouse? Or is it the beginning of a completely new paradigm in everyday life – a disruption akin to the launch of the iPhone? Sparrowly Group’s Ben Lever explores where the opportunities lie.

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