Mackay Regional Council Small Business Mentoring Program


How do I apply?

Applications closed at 5:00pm AEST on Friday, 11th March, 2022

How many places are available? 

Places were open to support and empower 10 business owners to help them optimise their business.

Who is eligible to apply? 

The Program is being offered to existing businesses as well as start-ups that have a business idea located in the Mackay region that will support the development of the Pioneer Valley Mountain Bike Trails destination. The Program enables participants to take advantage of the economic opportunities arising from the Pioneer Valley Mountain Bike Trails Project.

Start-ups are eligible to participate in the Program if they can demonstrate a commitment to running a business in the region with some level of business planning underway. Participants do not need to be tourism operators, and can be any type of business that will support the development of the Pioneer Valley Mountain Bike Trails destination.

How long will it take to find out if I am successful? 

All applicants will be contacted within three weeks of applications closing and informed whether they were successful or not.

What are the next steps if I am successful? 

If successful, you will be called and notified. Then you will receive a Letter of Engagement which includes an overview of the Program and expectations. The Letter will need to be acknowledged in a reply email to confirm your spot in the Program. Upon receiving your confirmation you will be assigned with an expert mentor and they will be in touch to schedule your first mentoring session.


How much will the Program cost me? 

Mackay Regional Council is funding this program to allow the mentoring to be offered free of charge to successful applicants.

When will the Program be running? 

Once onboarded, the mentoring will be delivered between April and July.

How does the Program relate to the Pioneer Valley Mountain Bike Trails Project? 

Mountain biking has been identified as a significant opportunity for the region because of several key indicators, including the stunning natural environment, excellent elevation, substantial trail land availability, ability to provide for all mountain biking disciplines and levels, potential diversity of complementary activities and proximity to a major regional city and airport. Sites have been proposed for the development of mountain bike trails with approximately 100 km of trail network proposed to showcase the best terrain in Finch Hatton and Eungella. 

It is expected that the mountain biking trail product will attract up to 31, 000 new visitors to the region annually and bring in an additional $18 million into the local economy. 

Mackay Regional Council is investing in this Program as part of their ongoing commitment to growing the visitor economy and ensuring Mackay is a compelling proposition as a leisure destination. Mackay Regional Council strives for the region to be front of mind for travelers seeking nature experiences and to offer a high standard of experiences for them to enjoy.

How will the Program be delivered? 

The Program has been designed to be virtual and will include a deep business assessment followed by five (5) one on one mentoring sessions tailored for your business needs. Supporting the mentoring, mentees will have access to a suite of practical workshop style webinars, tools and resources as well as ongoing support from your mentor throughout the Program.

Here is a snapshot of the Program and what it includes.

Who is delivering the Program?

The Small Business Mentoring Program will be facilitated by independent mentors, business and tourism experts, Sparrowly Group. Sparrowly Group has deep experience in building and growing destinations and businesses across Australia, New Zealand and South-East Asia.

What are the expected outcomes from the Program? 

The outcomes will be on an individual-mentee basis upon your own goal setting. Following the Business Review, you and your mentor will craft a bespoke plan to suit you and your business needs. As a guide, you and your mentor will: 

  • set clear business goals for the Program

  • build a robust business toolkit to roll out in your individual business

  • develop a clear business plan on a page using the Business Model Canvas

  • develop a clear roadmap of plans for the following 6 - 12 months once the Program concludes 

  • complete a start of Program and an end of Program survey to understand how far you have come.

What is a typical mentee journey from the Program and what would be the touchpoints with my mentor?

You will first have one Business Review session to deep dive into your business to understand your challenges and goals. From there you and your mentor will plan a tailored journey across the five mentoring sessions. The journey will be different for each business.

The timings for your mentoring sessions will be set in consultation with the mentee, based on your availability. It is recommended that sessions are scheduled fortnightly or every three weeks to maintain momentum and ensure sufficient time to work on business action items. Your mentor will work with you to determine what timings work best. 

Your mentor can always be reached in between mentoring sessions for any questions via email or phone, or to review your business actions. A Facebook group is available for mentees to keep up to date on all news, network with other mentors and other local mentees and businesses across Australia that have participated in previous mentoring.

What level of commitment is required from the Program? 

When you are accepted into the Program, you will receive a Letter of Engagement that outlines the expectations for the Program for both the mentee and mentor, which you will need to return with acknowledgement. This includes agreeing to provide requested information, working through business actions, attending meetings on time and most importantly being prepared to step outside of your comfort zone.

In regards to the time commitment, this Program will involve you committing time away from your business (approx. 2 hours per week on average) to work on agreed business actions and mentoring sessions.