Federico Moreno


Federico Moreno brings together trans-disciplinary skills through expertise and experience in Applied Science (Physics) and Creative Intelligence and Innovation (Business) to apply analytical expertise in developing innovative solutions. 

He enjoys analysing complex systems and designing interventions such as safe-to-fail experiments to probe these systems. 

His technical expertise coupled with his attention to detail has seen Federico involved in the evaluation of a number of education intervention programs in addition to the co-development of Sparrowly Group’s start-up program, Side Hustle Bootcamp.

Previously, he worked in the energy market start-up sector at Commonwealth Bank’s innovation lab investigating the market and solar opportunities as well as participation in co-design workshops. Through this creative intelligence background, Federico has supported organisations on discrete projects with Greater Sydney Commission, Transport for NSW, Telstra, SBS Australia and Football Federation Australia to create innovative solutions and interventions in complex problem spaces.