Giovanna Lever Giovanna Lever

The workforce holy trinity

Building a high performing, culturally connected and happy workforce is an art. Learn how Sparrowly Group’s Giovanna Lever approaches workforce plan and what makes up the holy trinity.

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Giovanna Lever Giovanna Lever

Building Skills, Growing Economies - Why Workforce Development Matters

Workforce development isn’t just about training people, it’s about strengthening communities, supporting businesses, and driving economic growth. Having authored an industry renowned paper on Career Pathways and working nation-wide across place-based workforce strategies, evaluation and program design we are serious about solutions for strengthening your community and economy. Sparrowly Group’s Giovanna Lever breaks down why workforce development matters and why it’s not just one entities responsibilitiy.

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Giovanna Lever Giovanna Lever

Tourism, Workforce, and Community - A Powerful Trio for Regional Economic Development

At Sparrowly Group creating strong and connected industries and people is part of who we are. We believe that sharing collective knowledge is key to helping everyone and every place thrive. Over the past month or so the team has been out and about gathering and sharing knowledge across a number of industries including the Visitor Economy, Economic and Workforce development.  

Beyond sharing our knowledge, we also value the opportunity to learn from our peers. Here are our key takeaways.

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Giovanna Lever Giovanna Lever

Building Bridges - the intersection of Workforce, Visitor, Economic, and Community Development

The nexus of workforce development, the visitor economy, economic development, and community development is a powerful one. They aren’t isolated efforts but interconnected pillars that support thriving communities and robust economies. And, if we really want to support thriving communities and economies, we need to stop working in silos. But why does Australia and the organisations and budgets that support these sectors still work in silos? Why aren’t we working all hands together?

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